Most people arrested in Broomfield County are either released on their own recognizance or are released after contacting a bail bond agent and posting bail. In some cases, however, the court may see fit to attach conditions to a person’s bail. These may include staying away from specific individuals, showing up to work every day, not leaving the jurisdiction where the alleged offense was committed, or wearing an ankle monitor.

No one likes the idea of walking around with a tracking device on their ankle. And why would they? It’s heavy and conspicuous and it screams “I’m in legal trouble!” But when you consider the alternative of remaining in jail until your scheduled court appearance wearing an ankle bracelet doesn’t seem like such a bad deal. Most people will adapt by wearing some extra-long pants and forgetting about it.

Still, there are those to whom the idea of walking around like a tagged mountain lion is simply abhorrent. And one of the questions we get most often from these folks is “Can I refuse to wear an ankle monitor?” Read on to find the answer.

What is an Ankle Monitor?

An ankle monitor is an electronic device that is fitted to the lower leg just above the person’s ankle. It contains a GPS device that monitors the person’s location around-the-clock and sends that location data back to the court. It’s a near certainty that the person wearing the device has geographic restrictions on where they can travel and if they wander outside of the approved geographic region red flags go up at the agency tasked with monitoring the person’s whereabouts. Typically someone from that agency would call the person wearing the monitor to find out what’s going on and if that person did not respond additional steps would be taken including possibly revoking the person’s bail.

Does Everyone Out on Bail Have to Wear an Ankle Monitor?

No. Not everyone out on bail has to wear an ankle monitor. Ankle bracelets are typically reserved for people who are considered a danger to the community, people involved in domestic violence cases, or those the court views as a flight risk.

A person may be considered a danger to the community if they have a record of violent offenses.

In cases of domestic abuse, the person may be confined by the device to a very small geographic area that keeps them away from the other party in the case.

And finally, they may be considered a flight risk if they have jumped bail in the past, if they have no substantial ties to the local community, or if they live in another state and were arrested on a business trip or vacation.

The ankle monitor not only promotes accountability on behalf of the accused but it helps reassure the bonding company that the person they are posting a bond for is less likely to bolt and leave them holding the proverbial bag.

Can You Refuse to Wear an Ankle Monitor?

As we mentioned earlier we get asked all the time if a person can simply refuse to wear an ankle bracelet. Interestingly, the answer is yes. If the court sets wearing an ankle monitor as a condition of your release you have the right to refuse, in which case you will remain in jail while you await your day in court. In other words, once an ankle monitor has been set as a condition of release it is non-negotiable. You either wear the monitor or you stay in jail.

Why Have Ankle Bracelets/Monitors Become So Popular?

Ankle monitors were first used by a limited number of states in the early 1990s. Today, it is estimated that at any given time there are nearly 150,000 Americans wearing ankle monitors as a condition of their release from jail. That is an incredible statistic and just goes to show how integral the ankle monitor has become to the American justice system over the past 30 years. But why have they become so popular?

They are a way for counties, states, and the federal government to save money

It all comes down to Benjamins at the end of the day. The fact is, ankle monitors cost taxpayers less than keeping low-level offenders in jail. With many states having a hard time balancing their budgets, ankle monitors seem like a common sense way to cut costs.

The government doesn’t need to assume all related costs

One of the ways the government saves money on ankle bracelets is by compelling the wearer to pick up some of the cost. That’s right, if you are given an ankle monitor as a condition of release you will also be handed a bill for the cost of operating it, which can be considerable depending on how long you wear it.

They can be applied to a variety of situations

Ankle monitors can be used to ensure someone shows up for their day in court, that stay away from aggrieved parties, that they attend AA or other types of treatment programs, and that they go to work every day. There are even ankle bracelets that can monitor a person’s blood alcohol level.

They’re durable

Today’s ankle monitors are true high-tech devices, but unlike some forms of digital technology, they are extremely durable. Anything that is strapped around a person’s ankle is going to be subjected to a ton of physical punishment. The fact that ankle monitors rarely fail these days is a testament to the quality of their construction. Most ankle monitors are also waterproof so even if the person gets caught in the rain the monitor will be unaffected.

Call Us for Affordable Bail Bonding in Broomfield

Love it or hate it, the ankle monitor is a marvel of modern technology. It enables people to live their lives while awaiting their day in court, saves governments money, and allows the bail bond agent to rest a little easier. However, the only way to avoid wearing a monitor if the court has deemed it necessary is to remain in jail while awaiting trial.

If you are in need of a bail bond company contact the team at Urban Bail Bonds. We provide 24-hour bail bonds that will have you home in a jiffy no matter when you were arrested.